My bags are packed and I’m ready to go….well, my metaphorical bags anyway.
We all have our own baggage and bring that baggage with us
into various relationships – friendships, romances, work, and family. I know
that there are those in the widow community who find the word “baggage” to be a
negative connotation. I disagree. I like my baggage and am honored to lug it
around with me wherever I travel. In my
bag you will find cherished memories, strength, pride, determination, joy,
gratitude and hope. My baggage is packed with all that I have experienced and
without which I would not be who
I am today. We all have a choice as to how we want to lead our lives after
having been through traumatic experiences. We can rise above it all and embrace
the beauty around us – the beauty of our families, the beauty of our friends
and the beauty of new and enriching experiences others may provide. While I do believe in destiny, I know that everyone has a choice in how they
want to live, really live. So don’t be afraid to unpack your bags because the
people in your life who truly care about you will treasure the contents as much
as you do. Feel free to rummage through my baggage – I believe you will like
what you find there. I know I do!
I like your baggage too. And I'm sure it's packed in lovely luggage!