Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Go Forth......

Lech Lecha – Go forth. In Genesis 12:1-17:27, God tells Abraham “Lech Lecha…go forth to the land that I will show you….” He instructs Abraham to leave everyone and everything he has come to know and to trust that he will be taken care of – that God will be with him.

Four years ago today, Steven Gainsboro was diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme IV. I had never heard of this before (well, I actually had in my late 20’s when my beloved Uncle Eddie was diagnosed with the same disease) and Steven and I needed time to digest all the information we were receiving. We could do one of two things, stand immobilized by this news or go forth to a land unknown to us both. We chose to go forth for where else could we go? We also knew that, like Abraham, God, as well as many of our family members and friends,  would be with us providing comfort, guidance and support. There was much to learn over those first few days as we put one foot in front of the other. Our most valuable lessons were that life comes at you fast, each day is a gift that must be unwrapped and treasured, and to keep going!

Life is funny, isn’t it (not always in a ha, ha kind of way)? We believe we are on one path when suddenly the path veers off to the left or right taking us to places unimaginable. Sometimes that place does not fulfill the hopes we had dreamed but there are lessons to be learned while there. God is with me now as I go forth as a widow raising two children by myself (I do not refer to myself as a single parent but as an only parent). Some moments are certainly more difficult than others and there isn't a moment that goes by when I do not miss my Steven. Some days are filled with tears while others are, more often than not, filled with laughter and joy. Each day no matter the emotions seeping out are always filled with gratitude, always! I am going forth through unchartered waters which is sometimes scary and exciting at the same time. My new path has brought me new friends while maintaining those relationships cultivated before Steven’s passing, a brief romantic relationship, various jobs, unemployment (by choice), volunteer opportunities which continue to ignite my passion to help others, as well as recently applying to UNCC to obtain a bachelor’s degree in social work (my desire to be a therapist began during my high school years – no surprise to some –and I am excited to know that it may finally be realized). Lech Lecha – go forth. The road is not always easy but change is inevitable and vital to our personal growth. I am moving forward which is not to be confused with moving on. I hope you, too, when presented with life’s challenges will go forth to a land that will be shown to you. You may find that it is not the direction you anticipated traveling but the destination may very well be exactly where you are supposed to be. Trust that you are not journeying alone. 


  1. Wonderful post Holly. You are truly inspiring to so many and I'm grateful for your written word and your enduring friendship. Love you!!
